how can you tell?
how can you tell the difference between giving and receiving when they look the same? an outstretched hand.
how can you tell the difference between giving that is taking and taking that is giving? how can we do it well?
discernment. receiving is not always easy because what we receive does not always feel good. first of all, what we receive is always a gift. but that doesn’t always tell us what it is. is it a disappointment or is it an opportunity to do for ourselves? you choose. choose the gift.
when is it time to give and when is it time to be still? you know that sometimes, they need you to hold the space so they can find their own wisdom. and sometimes, you need to share an outside view. both are a type of giving but it depends on them and not on you. choose them. you’ll know what they need when you can be humble enough to hear it.