it’s faith.

what is love? love is faith. love, in fact, is the strongest form of faith. why? because it’s this: believing that today is good, that the future exists, and that it will be a good future. and love, in its purest form, just like faith, is forever. i’ll tell you how:

when you love someone, even if you’re disagreeing, even if you’re fighting, even if one or both of you is sick, you find the strength to believe that today is still good because you are together. this is the person you get to fight with, that you get to exercise this perennial disagreement with, that you get to love so hard that you would always choose having loved them even as you are, each day, losing them to death (inevitable), even as disease steals them away before your eyes (the hardest), and even as you find your paths diverging at a crossroads.

notice how love makes death the best case scenario, because it means you got to have them until it was no longer possible. love shows you forever when you realize that there’s no untouched future version of you. and love reveals itself as faith when you choose to believe that this now makes every future, with or without them, a good one.


