what is it?

what is surrender? it means accepting zero control over the outcome, the process and the timing. it means conforming your will to take the next steps that are presented to you and demanded of you, unfamiliar steps you’ve never taken before, while knowing nothing and understanding nothing.

surrender means finally allowing something greater to hold you, to carry you, so that you may eventually learn to hold and carry yourself with all the love that you sought to wrest from people, places and things external to you. surrender is forcing yourself to find everything you ever wanted inside yourself, at your own house.

and how does surrender make you stronger? if you already have everything you need within you, then all of the begging, borrowing and stealing you used to do can finally end. when you nourish yourself, you will find that the world comes now to eat out of your hand. when you find the benevolent creator within, you become a benevolent creator without.


