year of the snake.
addiction subverts desire and blocks our blessings. if you can let the craving, the false need pass, you’ll be left with a beautiful desire that can actually be fulfilled and truly enjoyed.
no one enjoys a thing less than the person who is addicted to it. of course there’s pleasure, but it’s the most fleeting high of your life; the addict becomes trapped in the energetic of desire-only, unable to access fulfillment. think about it. how can you enjoy the one if you’re chasing endless? if one is too many because there’s never enough? gluttony lacks trust; its reward and punishment is the crown of addiction.
addiction says, “take the cup with these holes cleverly drilled into it and look away from the endless source within.” spend 40 days in the desert with your devils and get clear. break through the lies: that you can’t have what you want, that it exists outside of you, and that within you is a big, gaping lack that will never be filled, even if you throw all the money in the world, and all of your pleasure and pain into it. that you cannot be fulfilled. that all is a lie.
be a snake, intuitive and grounded. shed your old, protective skins. be self-sourced. renew yourself. be so humble and powerful on your own that no creature, great or small, can confuse your kindness for weakness, or restraint for temerity.