accept the invitation to expansion.
why? because you don't know what's coming. you only know what's been, and you are here now, not knowing what this moment represents, until you find it in your rear view. everything and everyone around you (aka what you perceive and experience) is a mirror, an invitation, a choice.
there are always only two options: expand or contract, play or rewind, love or fear. there is no "pause" button because we exist in time. and as we are always choosing, there are only two ways, types, varieties of choice: conscious and unconscious.
what if every punishment is a blessing? what if every block is a step up? what if every rejection was protection? what if destruction is the change you've been praying for? what if disappointment could unlock your power? what if letting go is letting in? what if letting them is seeing them? what if love sees and force is blind? what if the unknown is the only place you can know yourself? what if every loss is a leap forward?