
we can only see ourselves reflected.

how do people know you? they know you by your face and your voice and your gait. how your voice sounds reverberating within your own skull is not how you sound. anyone who knows you can see that it’s you from a mile away; you didn’t know you walk like that.

you know yourself by your actions and your feelings. you know your own hands and feet like no one else. but have you ever seen your face outside of a mirror or a loving gaze? no, you haven’t. this is why we need one another. we need one another to know who we are and to recognize who we were.

this is how everything in this life serves you, how everything is a mirror. if you don’t like what you see, it’s an invitation for you to change your insides. what you see is dependent on who you are; what you feel arises from within you. your outsides will show you today (these are yesterday‘s fruit) but your insides (the seeds of your future) will show you tomorrow.



