seek symmetry.

they say that the secret to beauty is symmetry. when it’s hard to find the beauty in a situation, perhaps then, we can look for the symmetry. everything is an echo from the past or a mirror into the future.

what do you desire today? on the other side of the looking glass is your desire fulfilled. your path is to dismantle the illusions before you. feeling undeserving or that it will take too long, with attainment seemingly impossible in this lifetime, is your opportunity to realize the dormant strength, patience and faith within. your blessings will manifest externally when you locate the real treasure inside.

do you find yourself struggling to accept people and places exactly as they are? asking for more than they can give? trying to hurry the pace or accelerate the vision? they’re not going to be ready until they’re ready. God already made them perfect. it’s their journey, not yours.

seek the symmetry. think back to when you were forced, rushed and hurried along “for your own good,” they said. remember when you were a child? and the adults asked you to see and do more than you could give or carry? they became frustrated when you struggled or they unknowingly doubled the load. now it’s you asking for too much, too soon.

we become strong when the world asks too much, and we must humble ourselves the moment we find ourselves doing the same. when we reveal the sacred axis, this line becomes our protection and guide. understanding symmetry with the past is how we honor the present, and seeking symmetry in our relationships is how we honor one another.


