core needs.
what is it you crave? the unmet need. the thing you want most. the pot of gold at the end of every rainbow you ever chased.
core needs reside a level deeper than desires for money, love and success. they sound like this: why can’t you just be happy for me? can’t you just say i’m good, for once? will anybody ever meet me where i am? when do i get to be myself? why won’t anyone accept me for who i am and just let me be me? why is nobody listening to me? why is there not one person i can be safe with? everyone depends on me but i can’t seem to depend on anyone else. is your core need for validation? connection? freedom? safety? to be seen, heard or held? it starts to feel like this is the reason you’re here; that nothing could be more important, and nothing else will do.
this is your soul quest: to learn what it is and how it comes to you. however long it takes, because time and failure aren’t real. it could be months, years or lifetimes. the core need makes itself known through your caregivers, to be echoed by your friends, lovers, colleagues and clients — all the people who simply and consistently cannot give it to you.
you will give it to yourself. you will validate yourself. you will find yourself and connect with her. you will accept yourself and set him free. you will be your own safe place. when you embody that which you always desired, it will become your vibration, and everything will begin to reflect it back to you. as within, so without. when you become the source, the world outside will cease to have power over you. you will be able to accept people, places and things exactly as they are. you’ll have what you want when you don’t need it to be whole.