
nobody wants drugs.

there are two types of drugs: simple and complex. simple drugs have simple effects and predictable consequences. complex drugs have complex effects and unpredictable consequences.

simple drugs include alcohol, nicotine, cocaine, sugar, shopping, self-harm, distraction and fear. ply us with these and we will be yours forever. that is, until the drug destroys us or until we get to have what we really wanted in the first place. simple drugs give us what they say they will, what we ask them for, but only for a short time. if we are not careful, more will begin to ruin our relationships, finances and health. the path is well-charted. everybody wants what they want. when they can’t get it, they settle for a simple drug instead. simple drugs reduce us to our most basic elements and make children of us all. you want to grow up? get off the (simple) drugs.

complex drugs affect the way we see and think. permanently. these include plants and compounds from nature, traditionally regarded as medicine and often experienced as a journey. you do not know what you will see, feel or hear. you must surrender. they will show you that there is more that exists beyond what we can ordinarily perceive. you go to them when you want to explore. when you need a conversation with the divine, when you have questions for God, if you are curious, you will not find it in a simple drug that can only help you temporarily control rather than transcend the human experience. complex drugs don’t always give you what you want but they will give you what you need. complex drugs are not for children.

and what about love and hate? hate is a simple drug. love is a complex drug. obviously. who knows what a person in love might do? whereas hate is a predictable and well-trod road; you’ll have many fellow travelers for the journey. love brings us back inside. to the path within. and you’ll know your fellow travelers differently. because love has its own flag, you’ll know it when you feel it.



