how does it work?
if you want to create, create like God. how does God create? he allows. they say that "let there be light" was enough to bring light into existence. so when you create something, how will you allow it? will you give yourself permission? will you remove all internal and external obstacles to it? are you willing to find out what could possibly stop you and your vision from existing and expanding?
"let there be ___.”
it's also a prayer, "let me ___." it's a prayer to God, asking him to allow it. and it's asking yourself to allow it. God didn't make a plan. he made an action to allow it and it was done. he made it so by allowing. allow it. like God. do not be the one to stand in the way.
to love is to allow. anyone that truly loves you allows you to be who you are, all that you are, and all that you are meant to be. they don't stop you or shrink you. they allow you to exist as you are. so love. love harder. you deserve your dreams and desires. allow them. gently, lovingly make room for them in this world. this moment is your garden. tend to it. see what grows.