heartbreak can’t be bad.
did you know that everything will break your heart if it’s big and soft enough?
and how could this be bad? what is the alternative? a hard little pebble that bruises the princess in her sleep? maybe it’s a desiccated raisin that is no longer at risk of any kind of bruising or tear. it might sound like a tin can with some coins rattling in it. this would be horrible, actually.
instead, let your strongest and most vulnerable muscle bless you. let your heart keep you alive, faithfully pumping blood and air into your body, and letting in what comes to your door.
did it open you up in ways you hadn’t known before? good. that’s what it was meant to do. did it show you new depths to your grief? good. those are rooms to your soul that you hadn’t visited yet. make yourself at home. did it remind you that love and disappointment are brothers? good. we are meant to strive, to believe, to forget and to begin all over again. we didn’t come here to know all the answers. we were meant to choose and keep choosing. choose love. and love harder.