
how hard is it to wake up?

and yet, if the universe had wanted you to stay asleep, they would have made it more obvious. daylight wouldn’t have been scheduled for half the time. someone would have stopped you from doing the same thing over and over, for a period of years. now, you can look back and see the pattern, clear as day, to what felt like random misfortune as you were living it.

everything is a mirror, an invitation or an unfolding. everything represents a choice. see it or don’t see it. say yes or say no. accept that we exist in time and let nothing else stop you.

here’s the trouble: asleep is comfortable; awake, upright with eyes open, is often the hardest. asleep, you can have your dreams; awake, they could end at any moment. you’ll not be lulled into wakefulness. that’s not how it works. waking and staying alive, truly alive and open to what’s coming and to what’s been done, it’ll change you, whether you choose it or not. so choose it. choose to become conscious. choose to expand that consciousness. love. love harder.

when the battle comes, a sleeping army is a dead army.



