you are the key.

the shadow is that which we do not recognize even as it is drawn out of us. these are the strengths, weaknesses, talents, vices, compulsions and drives that we witness and become responsible for as we find ourselves embodying them.

we must then ask, do i want this in my body? do i want my body to participate? am i willing to serve as an instrument for this energy? is this shadow aspect the real me? should i feed it? shall i cast her out or welcome her inside? will she then leave peacefully or is this her home?

what’s at stake is whether and how you remain a stranger to yourself. will you let all the crying dissuade you from peeling back the onion? other people show you to yourself and then you must learn who you are before you can know others. you can meet others only as far as you can meet yourself.

do you have a favorite version of yourself? you probably met her through your favorite person. and guess what? you can be this favorite version of yourself with or without a favorite person. you can enjoy yourself all the time and give your actual favorite person the most beautiful experience of being needed because they are loved, instead of loved because they are needed. your favorite person unlocks you and then you must become the key.

face your shadow. create yourself. be the cause of your life and not the effect. break the limits in your relationship with yourself, enter the realm of expansiveness, and you will have less time for limiting relationships with others.


