clear the path.

comfort is a drug. make me comfortable; i will do anything you want and give you everything in exchange for it. they trick you into thinking comfort = happy. it’s not. have you ever encountered standing water? what does it smell like?

everything wants to be in motion. even you. look at nature; it’s beautiful, terrible and wild, whereas comfort is man-made. “comfortable” doesn’t come from God. the problem with comfort is that it is neither good nor bad. but if you choose comfort 100% of the time, you are at risk when comfort = pain. inertia is inertia. spinning is spinning. so you can be comfortable in your pleasures; this is benign and worst case, boring, as even the greatest and simplest pleasures will eventually exhaust themselves. you can be comfortable in your shackles and continue to choose them. everything is in your mind. and it’s a funny reality. motion isn’t good or bad either. motion, in and of itself, doesn’t tell you if it’s moving forward or backward. you decide.

“kill me, but make me beautiful,” they say. this is what we want. we want the mirror to show us what God sees, what’s in God’s eye. what does God want for us? is it just this? is this the person God would want for you? is this the place that was meant for you? deep in our heart of hearts, we know that the past versions of ourselves that brought us here are not the same versions that can take us to where we must go.

it’s not just alcohol, cocaine and caffeine. it’s not just the nicotine. comfort is a drug, too. make a home in discomfort; understand that all your obstacles belong to you, and to you alone, and there will be no one that can stand in your way. this is how you clear the path. tell yourself, “this is for me. and it’s all for me.”


