choose what’s yours.

what are you listening to? you can tune the radio to any number of frequencies: high, low, and many in between. the broadcasts play simultaneously and you may only listen to one show at a time.

what will it be today? is it the mom & dad show? everything your parents judge, believe and hold dear? you might not recognize it as such because it comes through in your own voice half the time. but this is the station you’ve tuned into the longest, since you were a child.

or how about the friends & enemies show? these are the perspectives, affinities and opposing views that anchor your egoic persona into your current social circles. you tune into this station to navigate daily interactions as the character of “acceptable” you. other times, you’ll turn up chores & obligations radio to lock in and get things done.

each day, we start over. we jump in the car for yet another ride to the usual destination or to drive someplace new. the trip is not optional but you can choose: radio or silence. find an outside frequency or sit in a bit of quiet to explore your own vibration, even if tuning into yourself is not as easy as a radio preset button.

here’s the thing. everyone broadcasts a signal, knowingly or not. you can’t control any of the external frequencies; only whether you tune in or tune out. people are tuned into you even if you are not tuned into yourself. and yours is the only frequency that matters.


