that’s how you know.
the first valentine was a saint. funny, that. because love doesn’t want saints, heroes or martyrs. anytime you want to be a hero in love, you will lose the relationship. the price the martyr pays is her life. while love is sacred service, the saint’s reward is asymmetry.
the matrix is in your mind. so of course, no one will stop you from using love to stay small and trapped, always having to be the bigger person, never learning how to be truly vulnerable or how to receive, instead of living in love as a garden where your soul is safe to bloom, grow and flow – a sacrament to honor all that is both human and divine in you.
of course no one will stop you thinking that the most important thing you can do in relationship is to define which half of the chores is yours, that there’s a mommy or daddy out there who will be a perfect fit to forever parent your inner child, and to make sure you can take what you need. no.
relationship is a meal we cook together. relationship is how you unlock the next version of you. it’s where the masks come off. you find a partner who naturally, lovingly and unhesitatingly protects your heart so that ego can rest from a job for which it was ill-equipped. i keep you safe from the rest of the world and from all the parts of me that still need healing. you let me live out the consequences of my actions. together, we are the strongest and most free we will ever be.