here’s the thing.
here’s the thing about wrong, imperfect and flawed: once you see it, you can’t unsee it. once you see how unhappy you truly are, you cannot not solve the problem. from that point, you delay the inevitable: you will find the solution or the solution will find you.
this is why people refuse to see; why they choose to strengthen their denial and allow the locks to rust shut. this is how we continually choose our own bullshit over the people we love and over our own freedom. “i do not know what it is to thrive, but i do know how to survive, so let me just stick to what i know.”
remember that your doubts, your fears, your feelings of being small and unimportant –your limitations– are not only illusions; they do not belong to you. as loudly as you claim them, as fiercely as you protect them, as staunchly you defend them, as often as you choose them, and no matter how far you have carried them or how long you have insisted on them, they are not yours. so whenever you decide to set them down, know that you are merely saying goodbye to now-familiar strangers, houseguests that overstayed their welcome. they taught you, they tamed you, and now you know that heaven and earth belong to all that is wild and free inside you.