it’s you.
you are your own responsibility. your inner child, your insecure teenager, your unlimited genius, artistic expression, physical gifts, your magic and your power belong to you. they are your sole responsibility. you are the person whose task it is to sharpen her edges before the battle finds her, and you are the only one that is qualified to wield the blade that is you.
now, how do we find this out? short childhoods and growing up too fast. experiences that tell us we are ugly and unwanted, almost perfect but simply not good enough. teachers and adults that failed to light the path that would best serve us in career or education. bullies that said our words were stupid, that our songs were silly and that our drawings were bad. the people who left us on the bench when it came time to pick teams, who did not offer the minor adjustments that could help unlock our potential. the relationships that used us and drained us, and the circles that closed themselves to us.
anyone that made us feel small, told us we were born to serve, insisted that we were the problem, a burden, and nothing special —this is how the magnitude of our energy actually made them feel while in our presence— except they didn’t know it and we didn’t know it, either. for a long time, we unconsciously participated in this mistaken belief, this lie, right alongside them. but now you know that your power was always too vast and too precious for anyone else to diminish or take for themselves.
someone will come along that cherishes your inner child, drives your inner teenager to that concert and to the mall, engages with your unlimited genius, is moved by your artistic expression, sees your physical gifts, protects your heart, and honors you without fear, envy or hesitation. but before you meet them, you must first meet yourself. before you meet your king, the queen must rise.