no one will stop you.
how would you know you’re carrying a germ until you start getting yucky or uncomfortable? be kind to yourself when you look back upon choices that resulted in pain or mess. you needed to see what was inside, waiting to be healed and released; and the only way was for it to be made manifest.
did you crash your car, break your body or love someone you allowed to hurt you? sometimes you learn before you step in mud and sometimes you learn while cleaning it off. and now you know. there’s no such thing as wasting years of your life because it’s always now. you can waste this moment lamenting the past, indulging in shame or fearing the future. but you already know that road. choose differently. start now.
some decisions you make just once. others must be made over and over to stick. we move from unconscious to conscious to then expanding that consciousness. life is lived in a spiral, not a straight line. so it’s natural that we will be invited to revisit certain challenges. this is a reminder of our free will. you meet yourself when you realize there is no one to stop you. so you’ll have to stop yourself digging the hole deeper. or you will have to allow yourself to fly and be free.