the new you.

the universe will give what you ask but the soul always wins. and life will be less painful when what you ask and what your soul wants are not too far apart.

do you want love, success and abundance so you can have everything you want, forever? to never again feel lacking, lonely or empty? love, success and abundance are meant to transform you and set you free; it’s not you + the love of your life + all your money together on autopilot from there on out. but you won’t know what your soul wants until you start asking and receiving, and still, you’re not happy. if none of it was what your soul really wanted, having it all doesn’t matter.

you will have all the distractions to get out of your head and out of your house. all the distractions you want until you don’t want them anymore. the trick is to find what the soul wants so you can build a life you don’t need to continually escape. you learn the meaning of love, success and abundance by [1] experiencing their opposites (even if they do not announce themselves as such), [2] having the things and realizing they didn’t make you feel the way you wanted, and [3] appreciating them for what they are: portals to the next versions of you.

there are two prayers: dear God, please give me what my soul wants, as painlessly as possible (prayer of surrender). dear God, please give me all the things i want, as quickly as possible, and lots of it, always (prayer to humble the ego). know there is a way to make everything the best thing that ever happened to you: when something is given, see it for what it is; when something is removed, recognize the gift of growth (the new you) that has been placed in your hand. your soul wants to you to transform and be free.


