which one when.
what is the purpose of contrast and duality? it’s how experience speaks to us. contrast and duality are the keys to unity and integration.
ego is afraid; she teaches fear and we learn how to take. the soul trusts; she teaches love and we learn what it means to receive. fear says, “i won’t get what i need unless i take it.” fear is based on experience. love says, “i trust that i will receive what i need, when i need it.” love arises from faith.
we will have lessons and be practiced in both. this is because we need the ego to navigate life on earth, the soul to surrender on this spiritual journey, and both to exercise free will. we balance doing with being, understanding fear as an energy that contracts and consumes, and love as an energy that flows and creates.
which one when? if you are struggling to decide, “what is the right action?” when the question presented is, “what am i doing?” ask yourself: what is the universe trying to give me in this moment? what blessing has my soul asked to receive? what is my ego attempting to grasp, control or cling onto?
how will you choose? there’s no right answer. there’s just everything you came here to learn, do, become and receive.