either way.
everything you do and don’t do reflects a belief; every action is a belief manifested. if you don’t like what you’re doing, find out which of your beliefs it supports and change that belief. if it belongs to you, you can change it; if it doesn’t belong to you, set it down. it can be done, either way.
do you ever feel good? what are you doing in those moments? try doing more of that. now, feel the level of resistance your nervous system is putting up to these changes. it’s time to teach yourself a new lesson:
change represents danger *and* change represents safety; it depends on the situation. change itself is neither good nor bad, dangerous nor safe. and change is not meant to be forced or resisted; rather, it must be allowed. here’s the thing: change is scary. it’s not always easy in the beginning, but change must be invited, welcomed and permitted to stay. even if she is scary. you have to be brave.
good thing the universe knows what you need to do. it will support you, in any and every possible way, so that you can manifest your destiny. it will send you sudden wisdom or the exact situation needed to bring about the change that takes you where you need to go.