ask the question.

if you ask for sustenance, the universe doesn’t always send abundance straightaway. it will likely give you everything you need to teach yourself how to never ask for it again. if you ask for clarity, the universe may send you sudden insights, or experiences that burn themselves into you, because there’s nothing more clear than living into the answer.

if you ask for love, you may first receive everything that is not love so that you can learn to distinguish love from its impostors, together with everything you would need to remove each of your internal and external barriers to receiving it. these obstacles might not show themselves out of your life or your heart so easily, and may require a grieving period; we are free to allow this process as long as it takes.

we tend to plead as we ask, doubting that we will be heard. but the universe is always listening, and we have to understand the difference between good questions and bad questions. what’s a good question? how am i blessed? why do i get to have so much? what do i need to know? what do i need to see? why are you showing me this? what’s a bad question? why am i sad? why do i lack? why can’t i have what i want? the answers are always forthcoming, so be sure to ask the good questions. try asking, “why am i happy?” and see what comes. know that bad questions are merely a habit, ready for breaking.


