as long as it takes.
how do we shift from building to being? from the external to the internal work? from moving the mountain to gazing softly from its peak? can you master both the masculine principle of building and the feminine principle of being?
we will be called to do both, even as humans tend to use these modes to distract from one another, and as society privileges visible over invisible work: valuing what is seen over what is felt. it’s not that one is easier; we merely find ourselves more practiced in one over the other. you might come to the end of 40 years spent building, having taken the entire time to learn how. when your task shifts to the being, you may not know exactly how to do it on day 1.
so how do you go from concerning yourself with shelter and sustenance to tolerating your own solitude? the answer is, “however long it takes, whether in months, years or lifetimes.” and when you have faith in your desires, you will be able to sit with yourself, in the house that you built, with the strength to wait patiently until it arrives at your door.