
why do you think?

why do you think they’ve made it easier to buy a major league baseball hat than for you to be on your own team?

every team is composed of a variety of players. it always ends up this way, whether the owners want it or not. of course everyone wants all superstars for every position. and to bring home the championship season after season, even if our losses have more to teach us. and yet, within each of us, as men, we too, are internally divided, with different strengths and competing desires.

the most beautiful thing i’ve seen on a television is a team that plays well together. yet it’s more common for one or two of the strongest to lead and carry an entire team to victory. but what if you gave all of your parts equal time on the field? do you think it’s fair for whole, real parts of you to get zero playing time?

you are composed of both shadow and light, beautifully so. do we not give equal significance to midnight and noon? to the equinoxes and solstices? to the new and full moons? then why not ourselves? why do we reflexively push parts of ourselves away and down —why tolerate this from our handlers— when we all know what happens? that every bubble bursts?

offer a home to all of you. we all belong somewhere, even if we each cannot belong everywhere.



