what you want.

there is abundance in your life even as your focus goes to lack. children are abundant in potential and lack agency. adults claim their individual agency only to discover an unsettling lack of control over the world. the tweens and teens have an abundance of angst because they lack the velocity to match their dreams. the poor lack material wealth, while the rich must go out of their way to meet the ecstasy of faith. we all have and have not. and yet. to be human is to desire.

how do we desire well when a healthy appetite is a gift and craving so often becomes a curse? when does “more” help us and when does it hurt us? we have to find out for ourselves and live into the correct answer. it will not be perfect, but there is a version of right and wrong that is specific to you and to you alone.

the question is, “how does what i want help me find out who i am, who i am not and bring me closer to who i want to be?” it’s not about getting the thing. you want the thing because getting the thing means something about you and not about it.

sometimes the question is a dilemma. and i will posit that the correct answer is: both and neither. how will you know? cake or pie? it’s both. new or old flame? neither.

the right answer is always “you.”



