the loving gardener.

a loving gardener doesn’t do dumb things like put the plant in the wrong soil or light, drown it in water, and then call it “high-maintenance” or “needy” or “unlovable.”

she identifies the plant for what it is and then strives to meet its needs to the best of her ability. she tends to the plant and watches over it to see that the plant is taking to its new environment. sometimes the plant has to be moved or pruned. plants get sick but they, too, can be healed. she researches the methods that might possibly delight the plant and help it thrive. this is because she is curious and patient and wants the plant to have what it needs.

you, my friend, contain multitudes. locate within you the loving gardener. tend to yourself and find out how you might thrive. there are people who say things like, “i don’t like orchids. they are high-maintenance and they never bloom more than once with me.” well, those people don’t deserve orchids; orchids do not belong with them.

you belong to you and you are not for everyone. be a loving gardener to yourself so that you can recognize other loving gardeners when they walk into your life.


