your actual job.

what you do in the world has to support what you do in your heart, mind and soul. starting companies or even charity work, is not your purpose. if these activities do not help you to do what it is you came in this lifetime to do within yourself and for yourself, then your purpose is something else and we can’t use your job as a shorthand for your actual purpose.

now, it would be some inner work that you don’t even know about yet (there’s more life ahead of you) or it’s growth you’ve been avoiding. and once you start addressing that inner purpose, the goal of your soul, it will be so much easier to identify what you should do and not do, out in the world.

whatever it is has to help you to be proud of yourself, not be the thing that makes you proud of yourself. it would sound like this, “wow. i’m so thankful that i can afford to teach because i have always wanted to be the kind of person i really needed when i was a kid.” or, “i’m so thankful for this job because it gives me the time and financial means by which i can now make my art, and finally explore all of who i really am.” maybe, “i really like my job because i like helping people get things done, knowing how it feels to not get any help for hard things.”

then it could be ok to say the job is your purpose, if you want.


