what you are.
we attract what we are. that person in your life is showing you something about yourself, not about herself. is she your nemesis? your opposite? who cares about her and her limitations and follies?! keep looking at her in the face until you can read the message. it’ll burn until it clicks.
fighting her, ignoring her or vilifying the messenger wastes your own time. she’ll stay at your house until the unconscious becomes conscious. there are no enemies outside; all of your enemies are within. the world is a mirror and reality is your clay; you form it into shape. the world is a river full of fish, but you’ll only see and feel this abundance after you’ve cleared the unconscious blocks to receiving. abundance is in the spiritual realm and you find it there before it can flow to you.
the frustrating thing that keeps showing up reflects how you’ve been frustrating your own desires and progress. there’s somewhere else you need to be, beyond where you are now. your soul asked for this to be shown because it’s ready for release. and you have to know that “ready” doesn’t mean “readily.” releasing what no longer aligns might be the hardest thing you ever do. some drugs you can quit in a matter of days and they’re gone, out of your system, just like that. they’ve served their purpose in your story.
other drugs take a lifetime to quit. you’ll have to wake up and choose yourself, every day, every time, until your head hits the pillow. some days will be harder than others. this is a different kind of gift: the most important choice of your life, as often as you need reminding.