your power.

what does it mean to be sovereign? a king or queen does not know the future any better than the rest of us. sovereign is not fortuneteller or soothsayer. rather, the monarch is a guide, chosen to lead. the guide takes fellow travelers through unknown territory. no one knows what the adventure holds or what even the next few minutes will bring.

the queen does not complain. she may say, “i am struggling to find the will, the words, or the way.” but she uses her voice to state the truth and not to lament it. she seeks wise counsel and gets the help she needs to fulfill duty to self and others. if you are complaining on the journey, you are not the leader; you are last in the party, trailing behind. and guess what, every situation is new; everything is the unknown. are you protecting and guiding yourself through it or are you allowing yourself to be led, to who knows where?

the king does not try. he is either thinking or doing. he may not say, “i am trying to [do the thing].” this is because his responsibilities are far too great to merely attempt. he is permitted to fail but trying is not leadership. peasants try and fail or they may try and get lucky. the king does everything he can and does not stop until he is successful.

the king has a hard job and that job is not to make everyone happy. “everyone happy” is incidental to “what’s best.” imagine your job is to figure out “what’s best” and “get it done.” maybe everyone will be happy but also maybe everyone will be unhappy. too bad. they’re not the king.


