you will heal.
what is healing? healing is working through the discomfort that arises without dissociating or projecting. you dissociate when you numb into your addictive tendencies. you project when you blame the people around you, the places you may be stuck or the situations in which you find yourself; these are not what is hurting you. by staying present, you are not “letting in” the pain; the pain is coming from inside, not outside. and you’re not meant to keep it. the event or trigger that brought the pain to your attention is helping you bring it up and out of your system, to be felt by you and then released. it’s a process of “letting out” and “letting go.” healing is surrender.
think of the common cold. it goes around every year and it’ll always eventually be your turn for a cold. the germ gets inside of you and there you are: coughing, congested, miserable, stuffy head and stuffy nose. you can drink water and lay around, but there will be no denying or avoiding it. this time is for you to be a body and to heal at a pace not controlled by the mind. all you can do is be gentle with yourself, lest you prolong the cycle. the symptoms are the release. the pain is not the problem. it’s just telling you that something wants out. and you have to feel it to heal it. you cannot think your way out of a cold or a heartbreak or grief.
think of a broken bone. how do you heal it? you don’t. the body knows the process better than you do. you go to the doctor because they will tell you how to allow the body to heal itself: protect it, rest, don’t be a dumbass and re-break it while it’s vulnerable, and then you can have that limb back after it’s reconstructed itself stronger than the original. the coach is not the player. doctors and gurus are not the healer. the healer is you.