why we lose.

people leave your life not because you need to be separated from them, but because you needed to be separated from what you were doing, and who you were, that character you played when you were with them.

they showed you something and now you have to integrate the lesson without them. maybe you have to learn to do for yourself what they always did for you. or perhaps it came time for you to activate the core energy they exemplified. it’s not a punishment or a reward for them to be gone; rather, it’s the end of a cycle. it’s the only way you would have been able to sunset the version of yourself that did the old thing and lived the old way. you were ready for more.

we don’t get to keep our teachers forever. and there will always be new ones to take their place. the people who teach you how to fight and the people who teach you how to love will not be the same people. seems obvious but it’s not always obvious when it’s happening.

how do you create the soul of a warrior? first you learn how to fight. once you have earned the soul of a warrior, you will be loved for your soul and you will no longer have to fight. how do you ready the soul for love? first you learn who you are. once you understand the truth of love, you will be loved for your soul and you will no longer have to serve, shrink or be anyone but yourself to receive love.


