be here now.
right now. this is what life looks like when it’s happening. is it not what you expected? not what you wanted? does it feel like even more waiting? even more nothing? too much of what you were already wishing wasn’t? yup. you’re here. this is what it is. you’re in the right place. and we are all right here with you.
there are three modes in daily life: bus stop, driver’s seat and restaurant. at the restaurant, there are rules. they’re not your rules but you follow them, all the same, because they are general enough from place to place, and there’s food or drink at the end of it, so it’s easy enough to comply.
at the bus stop, you wait alone or with others, watching for what’s next while distracting yourself or observing others doing the same. the world goes by and you know you’ll soon be scooped up and moving in the right direction. it’s cheaper to ride, though much less convenient on a timetable with others.
in the driver’s seat, you know what needs to happen and you are responsible for your part in getting a thing done. strangely, we begin to feel like we want to control what’s happening on the road, and everywhere else, the second we get behind the wheel and exercise a little power over common machinery.
the ego loves what’s easy and the soul wants what’s hard. the hard things help us change. the easy things give us stability. everyone has a preference but there’s a way to be present for both. the universe will lovingly and expertly course the meal to give us just enough practice in waiting, doing and surrender to have enjoyed the full course.