when nothing changes.

how do you know a connection is real? when nothing changes even as everything changes. when nothing comes between you even if everything should have magnified the distance. when they keep showing you that nothing can change who you are with one another and to one another. you’ll know pretty early on, and time will gently keep proving it to you.

there are three ways to quiet the ego: through pain, in connection and while we sleep. pain is obvious and sleep is unconscious. connection softens the ego; it is humbling to see and feel how just being yourself allows you to continue to belong to one another. this shows us in the most profound way that we don’t feed our connections through doing. connections are nourished in the space of being.

there’s no control; it is an allowing. there’s no effort; it is based on intention. it is the energy of, “i am worthy of connection simply by being real and by bravely, generously, sharing who i am.” of course they can reject you. they can reject you as easily as you reject yourself. but they don’t. and that’s how connection erodes internal resistance to accepting ourselves for who we are, where we are, even as we continue to repeat lessons and fumble our blessings. we are held.


