all there is.
what is self-mastery? it’s not about becoming someone you’re not. it's not promising you’ll do everything opposite, because the same thing over and over, expecting different results, is insanity. it’s not starting over, it’s not throwing away all previous drafts, and it is not denying yourself.
self-mastery is the process of: [1] returning to who you always were, beneath the limiting beliefs and going-nowhere patterns, and [2] becoming who you came here to be, living the life you were always meant to live. self-mastery returns you to yourself (as you unearth and reclaim the real you) and brings future you into the present (integrating the younger versions that fought to survive). self-mastery transmutes pain into power, alchemizing lead into gold.
there are two aspects to self-mastery: releasing and building. the self is what we do, mostly unconscious and performed on autopilot. if you do not have the energy to build a new habit, release an old one. habits can be mental, emotional and physical. what are you still thinking, feeling and doing, past the point of utility or pleasure? what patterns have you outgrown? release them. a habit sits on top of the authentic self and unlocks the future. focus on who you really are and stop identifying with the habits that bring old results.
build new habits that serve your evolving needs and higher intentions. allow curiosity to pull you away from what you have always known. a new habit isn’t a plan and it’s not a schedule. it’s doing it once. doing it now. each time and every time. actively choosing the new over the old until there’s no resistance and it’s happening without thinking.
self-mastery is guided by two questions: [A] what am i doing? [B] did i come all the way here just to do this? all we have is now. all you have is you. move towards what feels right.