what will?

what will change you? sometimes it’s a place. it can be art; whether it’s words, images or a song. time can do it but that takes a while. sometimes it’s a person; appearing suddenly, staying too long, leaving too quickly, with you on the journey just long enough for you to stop taking them for granted - and then they’re gone.

nothing is permanent, that’s what makes so many things beautiful: childhood, flowers in a vase, not even the sand on the beach. know that everything in your life has been loaned to you; you are borrowing it for a time. and you exchange the person you once were for the person you must become.

everything is a doorway: that disease, that opportunity, that challenge. enter the portal of your own volition. if you don’t choose, the choice will be made for you. let the change come from within. otherwise, pray that something nice comes along for you; because in this life, something inevitably will. change is coming for you or change is coming from you. it will happen, so do it without being asked. do it when they ask nicely or you’ll have to allow the pain to purify you, instead.

and it’s not just one change. you live enough life and you start to see that it’s constant not just outside; it’s your job to keep changing on the inside, as well. so change your mind. welcome that change of heart. this is what your soul asked for. it asked to come to an earth with seasons and epochs and 24 different times of day. if you don’t let this life change you, what will?


